

Global change requires new thinking

Innovation is the spark of progress. Driven by the right ideas, innovation is the catalyst for change. The drive to make vegetable oil safe and available everywhere requires rethinking our global challenges and working to meet them.

Innovations in each drop

The change in the traditional structure of the nutrition of the population and the deterioration of the environmental situation have led to an increase in human demand for products with a given content of biologically active compounds necessary to ensure normal life.

Vegetable oils, along with other components, form the basis of rational human nutrition. One of the most important sources of fats is sunflower oil. In the total balance of vegetable oils in Ukraine, it is 65%.

The biological value of sunflower oil can be significantly increased by enriching it with natural complexes of plant carotenoids and tocopherols. Enrichment of sunflower oil with fat-soluble vitamins and provitamins makes it possible to use it as a therapeutic and prophylactic product to reduce the risk of cancer, diseases of the organs of vision, and the consequences of radiation damage.

In this regard, the development of sunflower oil fortification technology is a priority.

One of the greatest achievements of biochemistry in our century was the discovery of vitamins and the subsequent study of their properties. Vitamins are relatively simple chemical compounds that are present in food in such small quantities that they cannot serve as sources of energy, but, nevertheless, are absolutely necessary for life. Different vitamins have completely different chemical structures, but they all have one thing in common, namely that none of them can be synthesized in the human body or are synthesized by the intestinal flora and tissues in quantities insufficient to fully provide it. The main source of most vitamins for humans is food, in which they are contained in various quantities.

Vitamins are divided into two main groups — fat-soluble vitamins, which dissolve in fats or lipid solvents (A, D, E, K) and water-soluble, which dissolve well in water: B vitamins, vitamin PP, vitamin Bg group, vitamin B12, folic acid, pantothenic acid, biotype, vitamin C, vitamin P.

Vitamin А

It is necessary for the formation of the skeletal system and teeth, contributes to the normalization of metabolism, improves vision, is involved in strengthening the immune system and fights infections. Vitamin A affects fat metabolism and the growth of new cells, slows down the aging process.

Vitamin A

Vitamin Е

It is also tocopherol, protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation, prevents the development of anemia, improves sugar metabolism (which is important in diabetes), strengthens the immune system, participates in the synthesis of hormones, and this is not a complete list of its advantages. The average daily intake of vitamin E is 15 mg.

Vitamin E

Vitamin D

It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, protects and maintains skin tone, helps fight high blood pressure, participates in the production of insulin secretion, strengthens the immune system, bones, maintains a healthy thyroid gland, stimulates thought processes and improves memory.

Vitamin D
Vitamin content in sunflower oil

Modern technologies and methods for improving the properties of food products make it possible to artificially saturate the usual sunflower oil with additional components – antioxidants. In the conditions of modern life, you can get this substance in the required amount for the body only by adhering to proper nutrition, lifestyle and using supplements containing antioxidants. One of such supplements is our oil.


Protect the body from external and internal toxins. Antioxidants neutralize dangerous or excessive oxidative processes by absorbing them and maintaining cellular balance. The lack of antioxidants leads to the development of diseases, metabolic disorders, and acceleration of the aging process.

Philosophy of perception

Innovation is the embodiment of knowledge in new products and services, as well as in new technologies or new ways of working. The desire for renewal and innovation is one of the most important driving forces in the global economy. Innovation stimulates competition, our very life sometimes depends on them. They create new jobs, boost economic growth, and provide leverage to help countries become more competitive.

Innovation is one of the pillars of our existence and development.

Think about the future - remember about the present.

The cleaner the world, the healthier we are!

Ukraine is one of the most environmentally friendly countries!
We have consciously optimized production and strive to be a greener company.
Our team is actively implementing ESG into business practice.

– Efficient use of energy

– Renewable energy

– Water use

– Recycling

This is part of the factors that influence the risks of global warming.

We are concerned about the issue of Legacy and what the planet will be like.

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Quality without compromise

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